Shout It Out Scripture Reading – Revelation 7:10  (NLT)"And they were shouting with a mighty shout, 'Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!" 

Ah yes, you do remember that scene don't you - 'The Triumphal Entry' we call it, and celebrate it on what we call, 'Palm Sunday'.  I remember even as a young person in the church where I attended everyone in the congregation received a palm leaf.

On that day you also remember that the people shouted with all of their hearts, and the disciples were rejoicing along with our Lord Jesus I am sure, smiling and laughing at the occasion, and the truth in the proclamation of the people. Everyone was rejoicing.....well, almost everyone.

There were those religious leaders that demanded the disciples and even told the Lord to have the people to be quiet, as they liked their religious ceremonies done with a much greater sense of order and, 'decorum' at least in their opinions.

To which Jesus replied that if they did not keep on shouting His praise, even the rocks would cry out. Interesting to note today, that around the throne of God in heaven, the shouting will still be going on to the glory of Jesus, throughout all of eternity.

I've got an idea. Why not the next, why not every time you and I assemble with other believers - why don’t we make it our decision to, 'Shout It Out'? Not in such a way as we would stick out in the crowd, but rather in such a way as to inspire those gathered in the name of Jesus Christ our risen Lord and Savior to join with us until everyone in the church building is praising His name in such a fashion.

I think that would make Jesus very happy. I am sure that everyone there will be rejoicing....well almost everyone.  

Prayer My Father, I pray for myself, and the church that as we come together in Jesus name that we would not be ashamed to lift Him up with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Forgive us when we do any less, and may His praises ring loud and clear until we shout it our around the throne together in heaven. I pray....praise....shout this out today in Jesus mighty name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 3:13b – 14a NLT "Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize…”