Can You See the Difference?   Scripture Reading – Matthew 5:46 - 48 (NLT)

"If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."  

I will always remember an advertisement for laundry detergent, where two white shirts with the same dirt and stains were held up, and then washed in two different types of detergent for comparison. Following the wash/dry cycles the question posed with one shirt looking clean and white, and the other partially clean and not so bright was, 'Can You See The Difference'?

The truth in today's text that Jesus reminds us of with three pictures is that God always can see the difference and will reward according to the motivations of our hearts and actions and attitudes of our lives.

The first group are those who love us, who may live by the axiom I will scratch your back as long as you scratch mine. In this situation our relationships and time shared is spent with the return of investment that we may receive as our primary interest. While we are happy to have people over there is always an agenda for earthly profit attached to the invitation.

The second group are those who may fit into our 'friendship circle'. These are the ones that look like us, dress like us, like the same kinds of things we like and go the same places that we do. Of course we make time for these kinds of people, because we like to be around them. Others, simply need to stay on the outside of the circle until they change or do something to gain acceptance and approval from us.

The third group that Jesus alludes to is wide and vast indeed. This is the group that God the Father has chosen to reach out to in Jesus and accept should they come to Him and call upon His name. We may refer to this group as: the world, the lost, the needy, the hurting or everyone! And the way in which God chose to relate to us is by becoming like one of us, and then choosing to die for our salvation.

When by His grace we move to reach out to others in the same way we will be approaching that perfection that God in His love, grace and mercy smiles upon. And remember that our Father can always see the difference!  

Prayer Heavenly Father help me today in a greater way to love with Your heart, think with Your thoughts, see with Your eyes, and reach out with Your hands to those You are calling me to love in Your name I pray through Jesus my Lord.  

Memory Verse:  Galatians 6:2 NLT "______ each ________ ________, and in this ____ obey the law of _______."