Are You? Scripture Reading – 2 Timothy 1:15 (NLT)

"This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners' - and I am the worst of them all." 

If we are not careful, I think that we perhaps and most importantly miss the most important point that Paul illustrated with his life and testimony here. Please note that he did not say that he once was the worst of sinners, but in comparing himself to the world, he said, 'I am' the worst of all. To which probably all of us would honestly ask: 'Are You'?

Saying, wait a minute, we know that you persecuted Christians before you were born-again, but look at what you have done since. Three missionary journeys, planting and establishing churches all over the world. Raising up and encouraging many pastors and leaders. Writing most of what we now hold and know as the New Testament. Really, honestly - level with us,  Apostle Paul... 'Are You'?

To which I believe he would quickly reply, 'Yes I am', because I truly understand this wonderful message of the glorious grace of God which has saved a sinner such as me. And my life is a daily response to his love, mercy and grace, in fact I am the least of the apostles and less than the least of all of the people of God. Do you see what I mean?

Perhaps he would ask us as those who have experienced the same grace of God if we understand how it too should humble us and make us see ourselves in much the same way. So I wonder as you consider your life and the mercy, grace, longsuffering and patience that Almighty God has shown and daily showers down upon your life: 'Are You'?

I know right now, today and every day, that I have no problem looking up at the loving face of my Jesus and saying from my heart: 'Yes, Lord, 'I am'. Thank-You Jesus! 

Prayer Father in heaven for Your peace, grace and mercy I give You thanks once again today. I pray today You will help me to live my life in such a way to be a reflection of the love of Jesus for His glory, and in His name. 

Memory Verse:  Galatians 6:2 NLT "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."