Crushing or Caring Scripture Reading – Proverbs 15:4 (NLT)

"Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." 

Most of us are very familiar with the words from James 3, where he contrasts the small size of the tongue, yet points out that the bit in the mouth of a horse, along with the rudder of a ship lead it to its final destination - not to forget that he mentions it can be fueled by heaven or hell.

In a similar fashion today's reading reminds us that our tongue can either be, 'Crushing or Caring'. Perhaps the best way we can illustrate the tongue's power is to think of someone right now who has spoken words that were crushing in nature, and the kinds of feelings and emotions they evoke in your heart and life even years later. On the other, and better hand think of the people who have been careful to speak only the best building and edifying words in your life - and how they make you feel, and the relationship they engender, both with that individual and towards Christ and others.

The crushing tongue of course crushes the spirit and may hold back people from the possibility of fulfilling their best God given potential. God does not take lightly to people that make it their habit of using their tongues in such a fashion, and for good reason.

The caring tongue on the other hand is most like the tongue of Jesus our Lord and Savior. The words that come forth from it, inspire faith and cause us to rise up into our full potential in Christ. God does not take this kind of tongue lightly either. In fact, for each kind, gentle, and godly word you speak that brings forth life and fruit - God will see that it is credited to your and my account. What an awesome reason to surrender our tongues once again today and every day to the Master Builder again and again for His glory. 

Prayer Heavenly Father, forgive me for times where I have not spoken words of life. Holy Spirit fill me today. I surrender my tongue to You. In Jesus name I pray that I will speak forth Your words of caring and grace. 

Memory Verse:  Galatians 6:2 NLT"______ each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."