Get Well Sooner   Scripture Reading – Proverbs 14:30 (NLT)

"A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body, jealousy is like cancer in the bones."  

I have never had the occasion where I have gone to my doctor for a check-up and heard the words, 'Doug - I'm sorry to tell you that you have cancer'. As a Pastor, there are many times where I have to walk with others through this unwelcome news. Of course this past March it was this disease that played a significant part in my father going home to heaven. Most often, people want to be very careful to listen to their doctor's advice and get the necessary treatment to see the cancer put to a stop or removed. God had graced my dad with over two more years with us because of the excellent treatment he received.

Today's text speaks to our hearts of the painful results that unforgiveness can bring, not only resulting in a lack of peace, but even compared to cancer itself. Doctors and psychologists will attest to the medical difficulties that holding things inside can result in: migraines, sleepless nights, ulcers, back pain, nervous disorder, nightmares, and at the extreme, even heart attack, stroke or death.

When one is sick, it brings comfort when another sends a get well card, and pays a visit to their side. When we or people we love are struggling with forgiveness it does us well to realize that we and/or they will, 'Get Well Sooner', the more that by the grace of God we encourage others, and live in a place of forgiveness and peace ourselves.

Forgiveness brings not only eternal benefits, but also peace to our hearts and lives each and every day: a good night's sleep, a sense of contentment, comfort and release, even a healing of the pains that physically, mentally or emotionally can ail us. Not to mention that our prayers bear much better fruit in such a posture.  

Prayer Lord Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace and my Savior. Thank-You for Your forgiveness that is active in my life each and every day. Holy Spirit, fill me today with the freedom to forgive, even as I have been forgiven I pray in Jesus name.  

Memory Verse:  Galatians 6:2 NLT "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."     For more information about SPA – For Life, please visit us on the web at