Kind Like My Father Scripture Reading – Romans 2:4 (NLT)

"Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?"

 Our Father is such a kind, gracious and loving God to His creation. I remember even as a youngster gazing up into the heavens on a clear and starry night, and being in awe of the vastness of space, even though as of yet I did not personally know Him. Even as a teenager walking along the seaside and looking out over the Atlantic Ocean as the waves washed over my feet again stepping into the cooling sand, sensing that this world was such an amazing place.

After coming to know Christ and having my cousin stand in my wedding, who was familiar with Christ, but as of that moment had not yet experienced the fullness of the grace of God in his life - I remember Rodney talking to me about the West where he had been working and saying something like, 'When you look at these mountains, you have to believe that there is a God'!  Since that time Rod also has discovered the goodness and grace of God in his life and over his family too!

Think of it, all of the good things that God pours over all people: breathing without even consideration, harvest time, health, strength, provision - the sun rising and shining on both the just and the unjust....WHY???

Today's text reminds us that all of these good things and nameless more are from Him in order to draw us back to relationship to the Father for His grace and blessing to be poured into and through our lives for the greater glory of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

May each one of us who call ourselves, 'Christian' also be, 'Kind Like My Father', as we each and every day shine as bright loving lights in a dark and needy world. 

Prayer Father in heaven, today I pause and remember your kindness, grace, love and mercy that led me to turn to Jesus in relationship receiving the gift of everlasting life and forgiveness for my sins. I also thank You for your mercies that are new on my life each and every day. Make my life a reflection of Your glory and grace each and every day to others, I pray in Jesus precious name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 2:13 “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”