Coming Very Soon Scripture Reading – Matthew 24:14 (NLT)

"And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come." 

Have you ever wondered as a follower of Jesus, what exactly will heaven be like? I know that in our busy lives, and on God's beautiful earth, that such considerations certainly are not the main focus of many. I also understand that heaven is beyond our human understanding, as it will be greater than anything we have ever seen, heard or even imagined.

However, there are some things about heaven that are very clear from the Revelation of Scripture. Around the throne of God in eternal exaltation joining with the elders, created beings, and angelic host will be people from every tribe, language, people and nation. Of course this reminds us of the great love and grace of God who gave His beloved Son as a sacrifice on the cross for anyone, anywhere who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today's text reminds us that we are living in the days in which Jesus Christ will be, 'Coming Very Soon'. For this Good News of Christ Jesus is penetrating to the ends of the earth via. both computer and satellite advances. Also mission’s organizations are strategically planting, placing and training a new breed of missionaries in areas such as the ten forty window evangelizing those least reached with this Good News of Jesus. As we witness daily unsettling events all around the world economically and politically, we can rejoice that His return is even nearer than we may often think, and yes friends we are heaven bound! 

Prayer Father today I rejoice in the partnership I have with the body of Christ in bringing your Good News to the whole earth. I pray today for missionaries and those spending their lives for those least reached. May your grace and strength be with them, until you come again Lord Jesus. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 2:5 “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”