What's Your Business? Scripture Reading – Luke 12:37 - 38 (NLT)

"The servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded. I tell you the truth, he himself will seat them, put on an apron, and serve them as they sit and eat! He may come in the middle of the night or just before dawn. But whenever he comes, he will reward the servants who are ready."

I will always remember reading the sign over a church building that I was passing by that which said: 'Church is not about serve us, Church is about service'. In this same manner of thinking I am certain that you have been asked, or perhaps have asked an individual shortly after meeting them: 'So what do you do'?

Today's text reminds us as those who name the name of Jesus about: 'What's Your Business', or what should be our business as those who have been bought with the precious purchase price of the blood of Christ Jesus our living and loving Lord.

I like what the song sings when it says, 'I will serve Him, because I love Him, He has given life to me'. This is the reason or motivation behind all we do in the name of Jesus. We don't do good works to gain the favor of God, but rather, because He has loved us so, our lives respond in loving service. Not because we have to, but rather because we both get to and want to!

What a motivation for loving service we see as Jesus Christ has promised that He will reward (down to a cup of cold water by the way) those who are ready, waiting, dressed and doing exactly what He redeemed them to do. He will as Lord of all, serve us. Not at all because He has to, but rather because loves us and He wants to. And we will be the recipients of an eternal, assigned seating, sit down fellowship meal of the kind we have never even began to ask imagine or think for.

Our response to such service from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Of course, we will serve Him, because that is exactly our business and good pleasure to do! 

Prayer Heavenly Father, may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. I commit myself to serving you with even greater joy, because of all that Jesus has done for me. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 2:5 “_____ must _____ the _____ __________ that ________ Jesus had.”