A Wife for Life Scripture Reading – Proverbs 31:10 - 12 (NLT)

"Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." 

In this closing chapter of the book of wisdom, Proverbs we find a wonderful description in God's eyes of, 'A Wife for Life'. Virtue is not a word we often hear these days, but it refers to moral goodness and uprightness rather than vice. To find such a lady is a treasure of much more worth than the most precious of stones, and to be cherished.

The husband of such a wife is blessed abundantly by her life, and is able to place his complete trust in her hands. As a result of their union - he is truly a rich man indeed! All of the days of her life, this wife brings goodness to her husband. I must confess that I have been richly blessed in such a way for the past 35 years of my married life!

How should a husband respond to such a wife? First and foremost, to be sure not to forget that tomorrow is, 'Mother's Day', and you would be wise to plan for that. By giving thanks to God for your wife, and mother where that applies and honoring her in the love of God.

It also does us well to know that God our Father looks with a smile upon our lives whether we are married or not, a man or a woman who shows the same kinds of characteristics. Those of honoring, loving, serving and protecting others. People who make it their business to spend their lives helping and strengthening those in need. Individuals who can hold and keep a trust, be that in a task or with a confidence. Those who enrich the lives of people they come in contact with.

These kinds of attitudes, actions and service in the name of Jesus are those that bring the light and life of God into those we come into contact with. May God continue to give His rich grace and blessing to our mothers, and wives and make us the kinds of people that enrich and bring joy to others' lives. 

Prayer Heavenly Father I rejoice today in Who You are in my life. I ask you to make me that kind of individual that will be trustworthy and willing to spend my life in love and service to You and others, for the glory of Jesus Christ my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 2:5 “_____ must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”